Wheel Alignments
Wheel Alignments are important to the handling of your car; they also improve fuel economy and extend tyre life

What We Do
We adjust all four wheels so they are parallel to each other. This is done using the latest laser technology which produces a sensor zone around the vehicle and highlights any steering or suspension faults.

Wheels & Steering Wheel are not centred.

All the Wheels are parallel & Steering Wheel is centred.

Wheel Alignments Servicing & Maintenance

The results include:

  • Improved Driver Safety
  • Improved Handling
  • Increased Fuel Efficiency
  • Extended Suspension Life
  • Minimized Tyre Wear
  • Improved Steering.

How important is wheel alignment? 
Think of it this way. Research indicates that the average car is driven about 20,000 kms per year. A car with toe wheel alignment just 4mm out of specifications has dragged its tires sideways for over 109kms by the end of the year.

What are the “symptoms” of a car that’s out of wheel alignment? 
Have your car checked if you notice:

  • Excessive or uneven tyre wear.
  • Steering wheel pulls to the left or right.
  • Feeling of looseness or wandering.
  • Steering wheel vibration or shimmy.
  • Steering wheel is not centred when the car is moving straight ahead.

How often should I have a wheel alignment?
Follow the vehicle manufacturer’s recommendation noted in your owner’s manual. But, as a general rule, have your vehicle’s tires checked every 20,000 kms or at least once a year.